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Continuing Education

Conferences & Workshops on Education


Oct 2014          The International Conference on Residency Education, Toronto, ON.


Oct 2014           Helping Residents Create Digital Learning Resources. Pre-conference Workshop,

                           International Conference on Residency Education, Toronto, ON.


Oct 2014           A Toolkit to Flip Your Classroom. Pre-conference Workshop,

                           International Conference on Residency Education, Toronto, ON.


Sept 2013        The International Conference on Residency Education, Calgary, AB.


Sept 2013         Scholarship and Innovation in Medical Education (SIME). Pre-conference Workshop,

                           International Conference on Residency Education, Calgary, AB.


Oct 2012           Evaluation and Feedback. Departmental Annual Workshop,

                           Department of Paediatrics, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB.


Feb 2012           Multiple-Mini Interview (MMI) Training Session,

                           Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB.


Oct 2010           Curriculum Review, Departmental Annual Workshop,

                          Department of Paediatrics, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB.


Sept 2009         Teaching Residents to Teach: Resident Workshop, Visiting Medical Education Series

                           (Dr. Lewis First), Department of Paediatrics, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB.


July 2009          Resident as a Teacher, Teaching Enhancement Workshop, Postgraduate Medical

                            Education, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, University of Alberta, Edmonton.


Academic Record


2014-Present       Master of Education in Health Sciences Education, University of Alberta

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