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Future Plans


My desire for reflective practice in medical education has already been discussed; reflection without action simply does not lead to continual development. Thus, there are a variety of little ways in which I can better myself as a clinician educator that I must take personal responsibility for. While many more objectives have been outlined at various points through this portfolio, I will try to highlight some of the more specific ones here.


Short-Term (January 2015 - June 2016)


I have picked this time frame as a starting point, as I will be completed my clinical fellowship at this point and pursuing a career as a clinical educator in the Department of Paediatrics, Division of Paediatric Gastroenterology at a Canadian center.


  • Over the next 18 months, I would like to complete the implementation of the flipped classroom to the paediatric clerkship academic half-day as part of my Master of Education capping project in medical education. This includes data collection and creation of a manuscript for evenutal publication.

  • For the duration of the training program, create podcasts to accompany each presentation that I develop for my program's Academic Half-Days, while aiming to facilitate collaborative and case-based learning during classtime by altering my traditional lecture format.

  • Over the next year, collaborate with the NASPGHAN Education Committee to help edit the second edition of the NASPGHAN Fellows Concise Review textbook, which will also help me prepare for my summative Royal College examination at the end of my fellowship trianing program.

  • Over the next year, pursue elective graduate level courses for my Masters in Education program that will enhance my knowledge and skills in clinical nutrition, which I would like to pursue as a clinical interest that can accompany topics for medical education.

  • Over the next few months, advocate for the utility of requesting formative assessments of the fellows by junior trainees, in order to create another source of feedback for our roles as clinical educators. Development of a formal evaluation can be considered if no reasonably established evaluation system is in place over the subsequent few months.

  • Supervise Anam Irshad in the development of a podcast on neonatal cholestasis for the PedsCases website, as well as an accompanying case-based learning resource to accompany this presentation.




I have to be honest when I state that the job climate in paediatric gastroenterology makes my future plans more unclear. Pardon the cliche, but I cannot predict what the future will hold for me because where I go beyond June 2016 is a mystery. Ultimately, in many ways, more specific goals will be tied to the institution where I am employed, and to the role in which I am employed. Thus, my goals here must be more vague.


  • Complete coursework, elective courses and submit medical education capping project for completion of the requirements of the Master in Education in Health Sciences Education program, University of Alberta, by the end of 2016.

  • After evaluating the flipped classroom model through my research project, make modifications as needed in order to explore avenues to expand this concept to apply to my affiliated medical school and its associated residency training programs where feasible and requested.

  • Remain involved in the PedsCases website as an alumni member and supervisor for student-led, case-based learning resources.

  • Use my collaboration with the NASPGHAN Professional Education Committee as an opportunity to pursue other medical education opportunities upon completion of my work as a Fellow Representative.

  • Become a clinician educator at an academic institution in Canada as a member of the Department of Pediatrics, Division of Gastroenterology & Nutrition, by as early as July 2016. If achieved, use this position to aid in residency training program development, trainee assessment, and curriculum enhancement, dependent on the needs of the program.

  • In the next three years, I would like to be broadly involved in classroom and clinical teaching activities and student evaluation in undergraduate and postgraduate medical education through my affiliated academic institution. I do not necessarily wish to limit these experiences to paediatric gastroenterology and nutrition, but would use this expertise whenever called upon.

  • Ultimately, within the next 10 years, I would like to serve as the Paediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition Residency Training Program Director for a Canadian academic institution.

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