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Teaching Activities - Summary


A summation of the aforementioned teaching activities is summarized in the attached document, which also summarizes the time spent in preparation for my teaching activities, as well as time directly involved in medical education and instruction. It can be accessed by clicking on the button below.

Teaching Log

A teaching log documents teaching activities, but also incorporates reflections on those activities. Objectively documenting the numbers of students instructed and hours of teaching, for instance, may demonstrate time commitment, but does not demonstrate what teaching strategies were employed. More important, it does not demonstrate what one learns from their own teaching, or how one achieves personal growth as an educator through peer-, student-, and self-assessments.


The attached teaching log documents undergraduate medical education-related teaching activities, conducted in a variety of settings during my paediatric residency training at the University of Alberta.  Some such activities documented include clinical teaching on the inpatient wards, small group case rounds, clinical skills sessions, task trainer sessions and large group lectures.


By summarizing and reflecting upon many of these activities, which I have summarized, I have come to recognize certain patterns, which will allow me to consider potential ways to improve my teaching. This is particularly valuable for my future clinical teaching endeavours and didactic and case-based presentations as I continue my training in paediatric gastroenterology.


For some activities, I have indicated that formal student or staff/faculty evaluations were done. These can be found in the portfolio section entitled Assessment of Teaching & Reflections, in the appropriate sub-folders, or by clicking on the links within this paragraph.




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