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Committee Work


A fair bit of my teaching contributions have been tied to my administrative activities, largely performed voluntarily during residency and fellowship training. I have enjoyed such collaborative opportunities to make a difference and to ensure quality teaching and scholarship for my peers. My largest administrative responsibility remains my role as the paediatric gastroenterology & nutrition chief resident, a position I assumed in July 2014.


This section of my portfolio outlines these administrative roles at my current and former institutions, as well as my administrative role within a multi-national organization, highlighting my various responsibilities. 

Postgraduate Medical Education

Paediatric Gastroenterology Fellowship Program, University of Calgary


2014-Present    Chief Resident


2014-2015         Accreditation Review Committee, Resident Representative

Review/revision of inpatient and ethics objectives, Review of all accreditation documentation and committee meetings pertaining to 2015 accreditation.


2013-Present     Member, Residency Program Committee

Participation in monthly meetings and acting as a liaison between resident year and the RPC members on both resident concerns and discussions had at RPC


Paediatrics FRCPC Residency Program, University of Alberta


2012-2013          PGY (Postgraduate Year)-4 Representative, Residency Program Committee

Participated in monthly meetings and acted as a liaison between resident year and the RPC members on both resident concerns and discussions had at RPC


2011-2012          PGY-3 Representative, Residency Program Committee


2010-2011          Member, Residency Rotation Review and Evaluations Committee

Along with the RPC working group, alternatively reviewed monthly rotation reviews to be presented at RPC.

Acted as a representative when issues concerning rotation evaluations arose and/or were being implemented.

Reviewed: Paediatric Gastroenterology, Paediatric General Surgery, Night Float Inpatient Services


2009-2013          Member, Academic Half-Day Committee

Attended regular meetings to evaluate content, changes, and implementation of Academic Half-Day curriculum, and represented resident year when concerns arise


2009-2013          Information Technology and Management Representative

                      Implemented and maintained PB Works/Wiki site for residents, updated and compiled classroom materials

                      from presentations and other sources

2009                     Co-Creation/Development of PB Works/Wiki site (Digital teaching material resource centre)


Postgraduate Medical Education, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, University of Alberta


2009-2010          Paediatrics Representative, PGY-1 Coordinating Committee

                                Participating in meetings to address any common concerns arising with education amongst first-year residents


2009-2010          Mentor, Resident-Student Shadowing Program, MD Program, University of Alberta Mentor


2007-2008          Class of 2010 Support Group Leader, MD Program, University of Alberta



North American Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition


2014-Present      Member, Professional Education Committee

Aims: Improve professional educatio for all members; develop education programs to facilitate studying and passing American Board of Pediatric Examination and for maintaining certification (MOC)



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